RUMU Artist ↗︎
Web Design & Development
Cosmic Truth
Cosmic Truth Listening Sessions by Asier Camp
Creative Assesment, Identity Editorial
Exploring the physical experience of listening
A celebration of the nordic culture across different disciplines through their natural and symbolic identity Photos by Lida-Liina Linnea Team: Lucía Peralta, Anna Jarosz and GÁTT Team Art Direction, Campaign, Social, Motion Graphics These gradients showing the contrast between the continuous daylight and the gradual darkening during the night
A celebration of the nordic culture across different disciplines through their natural and symbolic identity
Photos by Lida-Liina Linnea
Team: Lucía Peralta, Anna Jarosz and GÁTT Team
Art Direction, Campaign, Social, Motion Graphics
These gradients showing the contrast between the continuous daylight and the gradual darkening during the night
La Mesías Movistar+
Vanesa Juez ↗︎
Web Design & Development, Shopify
FILMIN Restricted Access
Streaming Opening 🤝 Ballet®
Branding, Lettering, AR, Motion, Mix-Media, Creative Direction
Branding for UNI Cineforum Sessions which deals with controvertial social themes which are tendency each month through roundtables, talks from professionals, and a movie which encapsuled it.
Face filter to promote it through social media
Custom logotype texture for each edition
This first event covered the VIH theme, with the movie KIDS (1995) as the axis
Team: esne.cesario
Social, Production, Web Design, Video Editing, Art Direction
Vasquiat is a shop...
Developing visual language in diferent formats
Chino Fino
Branding, Motion Graphics
Brand Identity and strategy for a new chinese food delivery restaurant in Madrid.
The brand conveys the dense amount of information found on chinese restaurants with a subtle design adapted to the digital context.
Equipo 57 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Promo for the exhibition taking place in Museo Reina Sofia about the abstract geometric team Equipo 57 with members from all around Spain, specially Andalucía and Basque Country.
The motion piece makes a representation of the movement and the manifesto behind this movement to create a global idea of what you will experience inside the exhibition.
Art Direction, Packaging, Video Production & Distribution: Tambores de Guerra
The visual aspect deals with the fight between the search of light in times of darkness with a very intimate and personal approach but without leaving the hardcore punk community and union aspect. Art direction for the new Hardcore Punk band in Madrid "CLOSE" and his upcoming album Trapped in a Dream.
Art Direction, Packaging, Video
Production & Distribution: Tambores de Guerra
The visual aspect deals with the fight between the search of light in times of darkness with a very intimate and personal approach but without leaving the hardcore punk community and union aspect.
Art direction for the new Hardcore Punk band in Madrid "CLOSE" and his upcoming album Trapped in a Dream.
ROTT Magazine
A visual approach from the different forms of representation of death throughout the history of art.
The magazine has five chapters as the phases of mourning described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Editorial, Art Direction
Branding system for an upcoming fashion studio in Madrid.
GOAH (Garments, Objects & Artifacts from Habitat) is an experimental and multidisciplinary studio in search of new ways of mixing techniques and formats for new upcomes inside the industry.
The visual concepts deals around this search and infinite amount of upcomes that will come up from it.
Wasted Wanted
Campaign, System, Motion, Web, Social
Visual language for the solidarity market in UDIT whose benefits go to the NGO-AGUA.
Adapted to social networks, a language is generated in which both buyers and sellers interact, thus generating a flea market whose relevance is equivalent both physically and digitally.
The New York Times One Show
Political Hues
What can we do when trust in the mass media is alarmingly low? As we live in highly divided political times, The NY Times brings out thfirst honest yellow press by removing any political hues.